
How To Become Rich| 5 Mindsets to give up

2018-03-08 31 Dailymotion

All Islamis Videos and Quotes and Other

Take it as "How to Become Rich In Urdu" kind of a Guide. In order to become wealthy you just need to avoid these Signs and habits that i have discussed in this video and eventually one day you won't be asking people how to become successful.
Achieve Anything in Life by very Little Actions | Compound effect in Urdu
Many People think that having money is about fate, but it's not. Anyone can become rich with a good mindset and clever strategies. Anyone who have solid planes and the determination to stick with their plans can achieve this. But the problem is most of us dream to be successful in one night, that is not possible. Here are the simple habits that are preventing you from being successful. Major mistake that we make in our supersaturation of being wealthy is that we just work and work, but we don't make clever plans. Because of this we waste a lot of time and money on wrong things. To own some money you need a clever strategy so you could know whether you are going in the wrong direction or you are on your path. Many of us believe that it's really hard to live in Pakistan, and we think in Pakistan people who already have money are the lucky ones, and for new people, it is really difficult to own a good business. But the fact is, in countries in like Pakistan it is kind of easy to have an amazing business. There are a lot of businesses where competition is very small. So starting a business that have a good demand but less completion will obviously set you ahead in Pakistan. Just Be consistent and you will succeed one day. This video is in Urdu language, Hindi speakers can benefit equally.
Compound effect in Urdu
Bhai asa na kaha kro k video puri dkho apki video pury dekhy bagar ab raha he nahi jata
"Work less but Achieve more | Pareto Principle | 80-20 Principal | Urdu - Hindi" Also Check out this video, if you want to save time and achieve more.
Tips For Achieving Success In Your Life | Qasim Ali Shah (In Urdu)
In this video, Q.A.S talking about on the topic "Achieving Success". He is also sharing his experience, wisdom and knowledge that will be helpful for all of those who want to know about this topic.
اگر آپ زندگی میں ترقی کرنا چاہتے ہیں، تو رسک لینے کی عادت ڈالنی پڑے گی، امیر ہونے کے لیے آپ کو پیسے لگانے ہوں گے، اور اُس بے یقینی کے عذاب سے گزرنا ہو گا، کہ پتہ نہیں کیا بنے گا، آیا کہ آپ کے پیسے ڈوب جائیں گے یا کہ آپ کا پلان کامیاب رہے گا، لیکن اگر آپ پیسے لگائیں گے ہی نہیں تو مزید پیسے کہاں سے آئیں گے؟ کہتے ہیں کہ پیسہ پیسے کو کھینچتا ہے، لہذا ضروری ہے کہ آپ اپنے آرام دہ اور ڈیفنسو مینڈ سیٹ سے باہر نکلیں اور رسک لیں ، بجائے یہ سوچنے کہ کہ اگر آپ کے یہ پیسے ڈوب گئے تو کیا ہوگا،یہ سوچیں کے اگر آپ کا پلان کامیا ب ہو گیا تو کیا ہوگا۔یقیناًگاڑی ہو گی، بنگلہ ہو گا، اور ہر رات پیزا ہو گا، کیا پیزے کے بار ے میں